Our Story

Where #KindRiders belong.

From the very beginning, it was important that no matter what this company did or became, it would make people feel good for being a part of it; customers, athletes, and employees alike. 

At KindHuman, we embody our namesake by treating people with kindness, being approachable, and most importantly - delivering the best possible product and experience we can. 

How it all started.

KindHuman Bicycles was founded by Gavin Brauer, Ayal Rahat, and Adam Abramowicz. Over a decade ago, Adam started a cycling club that evolved into one of the largest in the United States and inspired the founding principles of KindHuman. 

Adam used to draw concepts for BMX bikes that he wanted to race. At 11 years old, he sent these designs and ideas off to companies, though sadly he never got a response back.

Gavin walked into a sporting goods store when he was 12 years old and it all clicked; he knew what he wanted to do with his life's work. When he was in grade seven, he had the opportunity to participate in a bike mechanic class as part of metal shop where he had the chance to weld a bike. 

Ayal was a former professional level racer who grew up helping his father run bike tours in Israel before moving to Toronto and helping Adam and Gavin to make the company what it is today.

Even early on, the KindHuman team were infected with the idea that they could make their own bikes one day. They even had the audacity to think that they could improve the way people buy, build, and ride them. KindHuman is not just a bike company for the founders, it is a vehicle for them to bring more people to the sport, to empower cyclists everywhere, and to give back to the sport that they love by helping to grow cycling in their communities.

Message from the founders.

“As bicycle makers, we pour our hearts and souls into every decision we make, from the materials we select to the custom options that we offer.

We believe that everyone deserves to feel valued and welcomed when they interact with a performance bicycle company. At KindHuman Bicycles, performance and service are treated in equal balance. One is never compromised for the other.

We make beautiful products that perform, that people want to ride, and we use our passion to get more people riding them.”

- Gavin, Ayal, and Adam.